Sunday, December 6, 2009

Introducing to the world- Gisele Aurelia

Born on the 30th November 2009, at 7.52 pm (8 to 8)
Weighing 2.7 kilos.
Measuring at 52cms

Looking adorable :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Year 10 Formal

very good night.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

5 days until due date.

I don't think I have ever had so many mixed emotions about an event in my whole life.
Although, I am really sick of people asking Mum "Is this your first?" when Allira and I are standing right next to her.
And at least everything is now ready for the baby.

On another note, Mum and Glen finally got married on the 6th of November. The night before was so stressful for everyone, and it was such a relief when everything worked out in the morning.

I also got an underwater camera at the wedding, something I have wanted for almost a year now. It is so much fun to mess around with, and considering my family spends half the Summer at the beach/pool it's going to get so much use...

It's almost time for my year 10 formal, worried that my heels are going to push me over the 6 foot mark. Very hopefully not :)
And in my defense, they are Mum's gold glitter heels, not mine.

Finished with the School Certificate. I'm fairly sure I did well in Science and Maths, but that's about it at this stage.

I'm having lot's of fun with this camera, trying to think of lots of different artsy photos that I can attempt-

the strings. by ~fyrespryte on deviantART

Also, 40 days until Christmas, I am so excited. Easily the best day of the year.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

new art.

i've decided that if i am going to spend my HSC years being marked on my art, i should start drawing/painting whenever i can.
i'm not sure, but i think i like it...

life is good.
confusing though :)


Saturday, September 5, 2009

slow... down...

Last night's ritual was amazing.
I would like to thank Helen, and everyone who made the ritual so special.

The heat of Rose Cottage... the meditation... the halo around the moon... the storm on the horizon... 13 witches in attendance...

It all made for a wonderful night, and I loved being back at the cottage.

It was strange to have some thinking time to myself last night. Usually I feel as though my mind is going a million miles an hour.
Mum's pregnancy...
subject selections (now visual arts, english extension, geography, chemistry, biology and mathematics)...
15 year old soon-to-be-alcoholics (not me of course)...
assignments! bluergh...
broken friendships... and new and improved friendships...

All going around in my mind in a continuous circle. I guess it's frustrating at times, but I need to learn to go 'blank' and just stop.

Art helps though. I had the idea of photocopying a bunch of things that were important to me, and this was the result-

remnants of a ritual. by ~fyrespryte on deviantART
I'd recommend giving it a try, the results can be pretty surprising.

Family barbecue tomorrow, with the grandparents, for Mum's birthday (09/09/09) and Father's Day. And the Newcastle Knights game, which is very important. Yes, I am a rugby league fan. Why do some people get shocked by that? Anyways, this game basically decides whether or not we are in the semi-finals. Very. Important.

Going to make Tiramisu in a bit, be jealous :)
love, x.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I know I haven't blogged in ages, life has been pretty insane around here.

There is Mum, who has just reached the half-way mark, pregnancy-wise. We can hear the baby's heartbeat pretty well now, even though my heartbeat still comes up as either -20 or 200 on the Doppler.

I finished Biology at Uni. I got myself a High Distinction :)
Now I am ready to start all over again with a Uni Chemistry course.

School is dying down at the moment, most of the talk is about what HSC subjects everyone is going to pick. I've decided I want to go to the University of Technology in Sydney to get a 'Bachelor of Forensic Biology in Biomedical Science'. I still don't know what subjects for sure and I am at 15 units, which is 3 more than recommended...
- Advanced English
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Visual Arts
- Ancient History

Something tells me I need to cut down on some subjects.

Then there is the holidays, which started this afternoon. I am going away for a few days with friends and hopefully there will be many more get-togethers. And we will finally have the 1950's Murder party which has been planned for ages because Paul needs to use his 'How to Host a Murder Party' kit.

So, excitement all round for my life at the moment.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

first blog in a while.


I must have really paid attention in my 'Why Bother with Sex?' University lecture...

15/15! Mum must be so proud.

On another note, Glen is finally in Australia and I get to see him tomorrow. First time in 8 years :)

What a great weekend I seem to be having.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Odyssey of the Mind

Otherwise known as making a fool of yourself for no reason.

The problem is to create and present a performance that includes two documented superstitions, an original superstition created by the team, and the origin. The performance will also include a funny narrator, a costume that is worn by two or more team members at the same time, and a stage set. During the performance the same stage set items will transform into something else. "

We won the 'Oustanding OMer' award.
And we also beat the other team in our division.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Because I get to play Poseidon.

And the latest of Bianca's completely out of the blue decisions...
I'm going to do University Chemistry next.
I'm hoping it will help me with forensic pathology later on.
And Paul will be in my class :)

Tomorrow I have my 'Odyssey of the Mind' performance. I get to pretend to be a pirate and the sea God Poseidon in front of judges and an audience. I'm very nervous and very excited. I should have a video of it tomorrow, as long as mum records it.

much love

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Answerbag is a question and answer website which I love.

There are questions on so much, and in almost every category imaginable.

You earn points with good questions and answers. I'm usually answering in 'Religions' and 'Biology'.

Also, sometimes it is really funny...

Answerbag Link

And this is my profile :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

hooray for me!

I just found out that I am coming 24th in my Uni course out of 337 people.
Most of them are at least 4 years older than me.
And have been through high school Biology.

Hell YES :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

back to school today :)

I had to go back to school today.
And Friday is the pupil-free day.
But I still have to go to school, for University and 'Odyssey of the Mind'.
Damn it.
But I loved seeing everyone again.
I actually ran to Jacqui, and got a hug from Aaron and Emma like always.

Because I can't think of anything to write by myself-
Who was the last person or object you shared beds with?
Well, Paul and Emma. Paul and I were playing 'Mercy' and Emma was trying to sleep at some point, which is what you get for only sleeping for 3 hours.

How tall are you?

What are you looking forward to?
-Glen coming over.
-Going to see 'The Boat that Rocked' with everyone. Which will happen.
-Sadly, Uni.
-Seeing this idiot American on TV get stung by bluebottles. He reckons they only sting a little.

Where was your MySpace default picture was taken?
Paul's bedroom.

If you found out you couldn't have kids, would you adopt?

What is your favourite movie?
Death at a Funeral!
Death at a Funeral Pictures, Images and Photos
Pretty sure this photo has been used in my blog before.

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Haha. Not anymore!

Who do you most look like in your family?
Mum's face, Father's eyes and hair.

Do you like to travel by plane?
Yes! Melbourne next month!

Do you have any bruises?
Yeah, I always have bruises.
And I am probably going to get some after Paul tripped me over today.

If you had 100 dollars to spend on clothes, where would you go to shop?
Tree of Life.

Where were you raised?
Corrimal in Wollongong.

What is on your bed right now?
7 pillows or some insane number like that.

Your parents tell you they're moving to Mexico:
Yeah, I'm coming with you.
But not until they figure out what is going on with Swine Flu.

Do you want a relationship?
I'm not trying for one at the moment.

What is your favourite thing to watch on T.V?
Most crime shows. Especially Criminal Minds and Bones.
And 'Kevin Rudd P.M.'

Sunday, April 26, 2009

happy birthday allira!

I'm very grateful for last night, thank you to all who made the night as special as it was.

Congratulations everyone!

And Happy 13th Birthday to my little sister, Allira!

I'm so tired, and I have to do a test on Cellular Respiration and Fermentation tonight. Argh.
'Energy to power cell work must be “withdrawn” from carbohydrate & fat “savings” & converted to ATP “cash”.'
I think I'm going insane here.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

wow, two blogs in one day.

One of the Top 10 funniest photos of my life-

Do you show your emotions or do you have a poker face?
Apparently I'm pretty obvious.

Do you tend to have good dreams or nightmares?
I tend to have good dreams with people in it that I didn't think actually had a place in my subconscious.

Do you learn from your mistakes or find yourself constantly repeating
Me? Mistakes?

Which is better: Cold or hot weather?
Cold weather. Easily. Or being cold because I'm swimming.

Is photography something you enjoy?
Yes! Now that I have a deviantart and money for a camera.

When was the last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Last night funnily enough.

Do you have or plan on having children?
I plan on having them.

What's the best flavor snowcone?
The yellow ones.

Do you support war?
No! The people that get killed aren't even involved most of the time.

Are you truly happy with your life?
Happy, but not truly.

How often do you cry?
I was crying about an hour ago. I'm like a fudging sprinkler lately.

Have you ever met someone who just had you at hello?
He had me at *hello i'm going to walk through the door and shine at you*
That's right, you know who you are.
Actually, no you probably don't.
Because I'm subtle like that :)

Do you have any addictions?
iM aDddiCteD 2 UUUU.
Or not.
Unless Peanut M&Ms count as an addiction?

What song reminds you of an ex?
hello paul's top played list.

What color eyeliner do you prefer?
Purple. Because it makes my eyes look greener.

Have you ever been so hurt that you felt completely numb emotionally?
Only once last year. That was horrible. I got the day off school at least.
Actually I turned up to school and I was crying on and off and my eyes were so thin because they were all swollen.
Stupid people.

If given the chance to do anything, what would it be?
Live underwater.
With a sting ray for a best friend.

Are you the type of person who always needs to be in a relationship?
Jeez. No way. I think I would go insane.
Not that being in a relationship is a bad thing.
Depends on the sort of relationship.
And the person.

Do you think there is a fine line between love and hate?
A very, very fine line. And it doesn't take much to cross it.

Do you think everyone is beautiful?
I honestly believe they are. Beauty doesn't have to be physical.

Do you believe that all members of the opposite sex are basically the
If by basic you mean the addition of certain appendages, then yes.

What is the best fingernail polish color?
Green or gold or purple.
Apparently I wear colours like a peacock.

What is the nearest purple thing to you?
i love hot topic.

well that was a waste of time :)

frickin womb sisters.

Well we walked into the nurses room and the woman actually asked which one of us was pregnant.

I heard the heart beat! And the swishing of it's 'womb sister' (The name a bunch of crazy pregnant ladies on this website gave the placenta. They actually leave the placenta on the baby until it falls off...)

Me (reading out loud)-
"If a pregnant woman, overwhelmed by pains, is not able to deliver, you must rub her thighs with a sardonyx and say: "Just as you, stone of sardonyx, have shone on the first angel by the order of God, in the same way, you, child, come shine as a man who lives in God". Then, she will place this same sardonyx at the baby’s exit, to the exit of her sex, and she will say: "Open, paths and doors, just as for the appearance by which Christ, God, and man, has appeared and has opened the doors of hell; and you, baby, cross this door without dying and without making your mother die". At this moment, you must place this stone in a belt around her, and she will be eased."
"I swear to God, if anyone tries to stick a crystal up my vagina..."

Here's one for me!
"If someone goes mad, or is in some way prey to fantasies, you must rub a magnet with saliva, and, with the stone, rub the nape of his neck, then his forehead while saying: "Bad madness, yield to this power by which God has transformed the devil’s power into kindness for man, sent forth from the high sky". And the patient will find his spirits."

This girl can either frustrate me or make me explode with laughter. She's my photography buddy, and I'd freeze my ass off for her any day. And she is there for me, when I need her and sometimes when I don't...

Before our haircuts-

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mum's home...

And she brought a lot of stuff!

I now have...
-A Disturbed shirt
-An Iron Maiden shirt
-Black and white striped gloves and a black and red checkered scarf.
-An Emily the Strange shirt that says "I need you like a hole in my head."
-Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. Only the best chocolate ever.
-Purple, black and white Jack Skellington Pajamas. I love them so much.
-A Jack Skellington Christmas stocking.
-A cauldron from Lori Cabots shop in Salem, From Glen.
-A small amp for my electric guitar, which I need to buy headphones for.
-A SpongeBob toy from Burger King.
-$100 American dollars! I'm so excited, because this means I can buy myself an Underwater Camera! I'm going to give Glen the money to buy it duty-free. Well, that's the plan anyway :)

Mum's already asleep on the lounge.

On another subject...
I know I mention a lot of people in my blog, but most of you don't even know who they are. So each blogpost I am going to try and introduce some of these people. I'll start with Paul, because he actually said my blog was 'an interesting read'.

Paul is the ex-boyfriend from two years ago and one of my best friends right now, even after about 2 years of not talking. Conversation with this guy is NEVER boring, and he can make me laugh, although I am usually laughing at him. For anyone who watches the IT Crowd, Paul is exactly like Maurice Moss, even though he tries to deny it. My sister seems to like him a lot, mostly because of his blue eyes and his abnormally large tongue. It's really a love-hate friendship, especially when he steals my noodles :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

b is for biancaisevenbettererthanjoshua...

a is for anaconda (cute)

b is for biancaisevenbettererthanjoshua

c is for caterpillar

d is for death

e is for egalitarianismwhichisareallybigword

f is for FISH

g is for goatsmilkwhichisdisgusting

h is for hermit

i is for imgivingupati

Joshua. says:
well you are gutless!
bianca. says:
should i keep going?
Joshua. says:

j is for joshuaisthemostconfusingandweirdpersonihavemetinalongtime

k is for kimono

l is for license

m is for motherwhowillbehometomorrow

n is for night

o is for octopuswhichisawatmerewetherbathsyesterday

p is for PIRATES

q is for quiver

r is for rhinoceros

s is for seismograph

t is for turnip

u is for umbrella

v is for vacuole

w is for window

x is for xenophobia

y is for yesterday

z is for zealot

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

on a race... around newcastle.

So I've had a very exciting 2 days.

Monday was Emma's birthday, and she loves photography. So we decided to go and do the photo shoot that had been planned for ages, even though it was raining.

Anyways, after about 3 hours of me freezing my ass off in the rain, we got some pretty good shots. I've already got a few, but Emma is still editing heaps.

Then yesterday, she had a formal birthday party at King Edward Park. After eating lots of Peanut M&Ms, we decided it was time for the Amazing Race around Newcastle...
I was partnered with Georgia, and we had so much fun. I knew my way around Newcastle and wasn't afraid to ask for directions. And she had a tonne of energy.

So we...
1. Searched all around the Garside Gardens for a tiny gold package which we were told we had to count the contents of. We were the last team to find it, and there was a package of rice inside of it. No teams actually bothered to count it, and we were the last team to leave King Edward Park.

2. The next clue told us to go to the Cathedral. Luckily I knew where that was, and Georgia and I basically ran from the park to Christ Church Cathedral. We were the first team to arrive. Once there we had to find the oldest grave, which turned out to be from 1829. We were the first team to leave the graveyard.

3. Then we got lost. We had to find a business with a logo of a key and lock, that was on Hunter St, between Perkins and Watt Street. Once there, we had to take a photo of ourselves in front of it. Only problem was that the camera we had had run out of batteries. So we wrote down the 'John Paynter Gallery', which took us about 15 minutes to find. I asked for so many directions, and Georgia and I probably looked insane running everywhere with our formal gear.

4. We had to go to Spotlight and buy 20 cms of a certain type of fabric. We took the bus there, and Hana and Dani caught the same bus. When the bus arrived at Spotlight, all four of us ran out of the bus, and I ran up the stairs and started looking for the fabric. I found it pretty quickly, and we ran downstairs where there was no line so the woman could cut the fabric. I've never realised how slow the people are there that cut the fabric. It was agonising.

5. After that, we ran to King Street McDonalds where we had to wait for everyone to catch up, and then buy an 'icecream cone'. Georgia being the thinker that she is, realised that it only said cone, not that it had to have icecream in it. So we sat at a table with Emma and Spencer, which I realised was a pretty stupid idea. I got up from the table and looked out the window, only to see Aaron and Brittany running to Maccas. So Georgia and I ran to the counter and paid $1 for 2 icecream cones, whilst everyone else bought the icecream. It was so funny shoving out mouth full of waffle cone while everyone else got brain freezes.

6. So we ran out of McDonalds, and ran all the way to the Newcastle Regional Library, which is right near Civic Park. We had to find a book with a certain code on it, and take a photo of ourselves holding it. Only we didn't have a camera. So we wrote down the name of the book and the author.

7. Next we had to go to the Newcastle Regional Art Gallery, which was thankfully right next door to the Library. We had to find an artwork called 'Intel-igence' and write down the artists name. I'd already been to see the exhibition, so I knew exactly where it was.

8. This was our last task. We had to find Sally (Emma's Mum) at Newcastle Baths. We knew it was too far away, so Georgia and I ran to a bus stop. Only Emma and Spencer caught up. For some reason, everyone started running to the next bus stop. Georgia and I waited there, because the next stop was actually the last stop for the bus. So Georgia and I got on the next bus, and we passed Emma and Spence who were still running. The bus driver asked me 'Why are they running? The bus stops here'. I asked him if he had a ever watched the Amazing Race and he said he didn't watch TV.

9. So we got off the bus at Newcastle Station, ahead of Emma and Spencer. From there, we actually ran to Newcastle Baths. Anyone who knows Newcastle knows that that is not an easy run. Especially after you had been running for the past hour and a half.

Anyways, we get to Newcastle Baths, and Hana and Dani had already arrived because they hitched a ride with some P platers. So legally, Georgia and I won.

Phil would be proud.


Sunday, April 5, 2009


And they say the only way to get something done right is to do it yourself...

Nice photography Allira.
Nice editing goes to me though :)

Possibly one of the worst weeks of my life...
1. My University Quizzes had to be reset a total of 3 times
2. Mum left for America
3. I was in hospital from 7pm to 3am with Mum because doctors thought her pregnancy might be ectopic.
4. My little sister managed to lock us out of the house, which meant me crying at the neighbours door and spending the day at Charlestown Square.
5. I had a total of 4000 words due in at school.

And yet I got 15/15 in my University test on Nucleic acids and Carbohydrates.
I guess things have to go right sometimes.

Friday, March 27, 2009

off to uni in 20 minutes :)

I just did my first Uni test. And I got 14/15.
And for some reason I am a bit disappointed. I know I shouldn't be though.
Weird feeling :)

Not much more news on the baby. Mum won't let me name it Daveth.

I'm loving the extra day off school. I managed to finish 1000 words on a comparison of 'Psycho' and 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer', which is basically a joke considering there is no comparison at all. I'm pretty sure our entire class almost fell asleep through one episode of Buffy.

Looking forward to Emma's Formal Birthday party already. Any excuse to dress up is always fun, especially walking through Newcastle.


Oh! I know this is a long shot but if anyone has a copy of Biological Science by Scott Freeman they would be willing to lend me, I would be forever grateful :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

'Muuuuum, are you pregnaaaaant?!'

Mum's pregnant.

I'm going to be a REALLY big sister.

Apparently the baby is the size of a sesame seed.

And this week, it's tiny heart begins to divide into chambers and beat and pump blood.

I found out yesterday morning when Mum talking really loudly about something on the phone. It was 5.30 in the morning, and I had no idea she was taking a pregnancy test. I had just woken up, and I started yelling 'Muuuuum, are you pregnaaaaant?!', *as a joke*.
I was so surprised when I saw those two lines.
As my friend so eloquently put it, 'Someone got busy in America'.

On a whole other topic, I'm still loving Uni.
And I can't wait for the movie, 'Angels and Demons', to come out. Maybe Mum will be so incapacitated that she will finally read it :)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

hello chicken mcnuggets.

Mechanical separation is a way of getting every last piece of meat from the bone of a chicken, turkey, or other food animal. Bones with edible meat attached are forced under high pressure through a device that separates the bone from the meat.

And I am now sufficiently grossed out for today.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

stand up for being stupid.

I've realised that you should love someone because of their flaws, not in spite of them, and people should do the same for you. It was a very liberating realisation.
Unless their flaw is murdering people or something.

I had 3 hours of Science, and one hour of Visual Arts yesterday. I love Friday. We have finally started doing Biology in my Science class, and a lot of it is what I am already doing in Uni.
I've found out in Art that I have been selected to be interviewed by someone from the Board of Studies. And our teacher has organised a 'live drawing' class for us. She says that we won't see them as naked people, but as intricate displays of line and shading.
Yeah, right...

Funniest part of yesterday:
Mr Phillips- "What is an asexual way that a plant can reproduce?'
Eliott- 'Uhh, Snails?'
Mr Phillips- "Stand up for being stupid.'

Mum has finally made Engagement notices. She didn't like my sarcastic idea of putting "Two Continents- Two Hearts- One Love" on them. But Glen seemed to, which is a bit of a worrying thought.

I miss you guys ♥

Sunday, March 8, 2009

987654321, seeing what has changed.

NINE thing​s about​ yours​elf:​

9) I love my Uni course! It has been the only 2 hours of class that I can sit through, and not get bored. And I can remember almost everything.

8) I love anything gruesome. Especially Plastination and autopsies. But not horror movies for some reason.

7) I love Christmas more than any other day of the year

6) I will always stand up for what I believe, even if I have no idea what I'm talking about.

5) It takes a lot for me to cry, so when I do everything seems to pour out.

4) I will change my mind easily when it comes to emotion. But not when it comes to opinion.

3) I'd love to be a model, but I still have an aversion towards models

2) I love to make anything out of nothing. Especially by painting and sketching. And even cooking.

1) I'm happiest when I'm in the ocean.

EIGHT​ ways to win your heart​

(Hahaha, nothing here has changed!)

8) Have a passion in something.

7) Disagree with me about things. This shows me you aren't afraid to stand up for yourself.

6) Talk to me.

5) Display some level of intelligence.

4) Be open minded.

3) Make me laugh about anything and everything

2) Don't look too far forward and live in today.

1) Do what you feel, instead of waiting around for something to happen.

Your top SEVEN​ bands​(​or artis​t)​:​

7) Bon Jovi ('You Give Love A Bad Name'= best song when I'm angry)

6) 16Volt

5) The Offspring (First song I could sing all the way through was 'Gone Away' by The Offspring)

4) Tool

3) A Perfect Circle

2) Disturbed

1) Godsmack

SIX thing​s you do befor​e you fall aslee​p

6) Look at my timetable for tomorrow

5) Put my phone somewhere near me so I can hear the alarm and don't have to run all over the house looking for it.

4) Turn off the light

3) Climb into bed

2) Think incessantly

1) Eventually fall asleep

FIVE people​ who mean a lot at the moment​

5) Sophia

4) Paul

3) Emma

2) Jacqui

1) Penny

FOUR thing​s you see right​ now

4) My lucky bamboo which always seems close to dying.

3) My resume folder

2) My Zune

1) My To-Do List.

THREE​ songs​ that you liste​n to often​

3) You Give Love A Bad Name- Bon Jovi

2) Awake- Godsmack

1) Everlong (Acoustic)- Foo Fighters

TWO thing​s you want to do befor​e you die

2) Swim with Whale Sharks, Grey Nurse Sharks and Seals

1) Travel to Spain. See if it's where I belong :)

ONE confe​ssion​:​

1) I not scared of things changing anymore. I want them to change.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

mum's back!

Mum is home!
Already asleep though. Allira was incredibly subtle with all of the 'Do you want me to help you unpack?' hints, but we got to the souvenirs after a long talk of engagement and weddings and New York.
She bought me a New York snow globe, which I really wanted. It's so pretty, and there is a tiny little yellow 'cab' in the background. I got a Twilight badge that says "I ♥ Boys that Sparkle" which she knew would be funny, because I pretty much hate Edward Cullen. I got lots of clothes, including Spongebob pyjama pants and a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt. Mum and Glen also bought me Victoria's Secret underwear, and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. She also bought me a shirt from M&M world where apparently one entire wall was filled with M&M's.
There is so much more, Thanks Mum :)
She bought back two wedding dresses, and got me to try them on. Scary stuff...

My Uni course starts tomorrow! I had a meeting with the deputy principal who told me that I will be great for job interviews because I have a 'gorgeous smile'. Basically made my day :)

And we had Archery. Which usually means lying in the grass with Britt, Emma, Aaron and a camera.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hellllllo last years creative writing.

I could smell her. The freshest of floral scents danced its way through my nose and hung in my throat, causing a flame of desire to erupt from deep within me.
I could no longer hear her. The dull thud of a heart that typically drummed to a delicate rhythm had ceased, and her blood stood still.
I could almost see the fear in her eyes, emanating from the back of her mind.
She was not dead. Yet.
She was simply paralysed, and not with fear.
It was beyond her control.
I was in control, and I had done this once before. On a frozen cadaver.
I knew the logistics, and yet the emotions were new to me. I was almost delirious with euphoria and yet I was oddly aware of myself. Every movement was deliberate and every feeling was one to savour. Every sense was heightened, and I felt oddly invincible.
I enjoyed it.
I would make it last for as long a humanly possible.
I glanced over at the limp body. Her dark curls hung tantalisingly over her shoulder, and I had the uncontrollable urge to sweep them from her face. She was looking as angelic as the moment I laid eyes on her, even with the necessary addition of tape around her legs and arms. I was not taking the chance of the drugs wearing off half way through the deed.
I took a breath, imagining the air reaching to the depths of my lungs.
I was in control…

to be continued eventually...

i'm blind for 40 minutes a day?

VERY INTERESTING. -click on the link to find out '5 ways your brain is messing with your head'

Small things that entertained me today-
  • My bus being about 15 minutes late.
  • Turning up to school in a bandage and thongs only to have people go "Oh jeez Bianca, what have you done to yourself this time?"
  • Having an English teacher turn up 15 minutes late and tell us to read the entire lesson.
  • Being called to go and see the deputy principal, who wanted to know why mum was calling from America.
  • Mum telling Paul that his present from America was actually New York City.
  • Going over the 'mauve' of my artwork with the deepest purple I could make without it going black. Hooray for more skeleton drawings.
  • Making the decision to do something which may have major consequences, but feeling like I don't mind anyway.
  • Accidentally getting off at the wrong bus stop, meaning I had to hobble even further to the Junction.
  • Seeing my art teacher at Coles... then seeing her walk into Liquorland.
  • Getting photos taken for my Uni card. Yuuuuuck.
  • Taking off band-aids. I know it's gross, but there is still something oddly fascinating about it. I like seeing that my body is healing itself. Or in this case, making some weird gunk that probably isn't right.
Plus I also realised today, I haven't been in a ball pit in ages. And I really want to now. But then I realised that people my age aren't even allowed in those places with ball pits anymore.
motivational posters Pictures, Images and Photos

Well I think this has been one of my weirdest posts yet :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

harry potter :)

so tired.

  1. Mum is staying in America for another 2 days, due to needing to sort some Visa's out. Apparently she has bought me bright blue jeans and Victoria's Secret underwear, among other things.
  2. She said she has also bought me a small Edward Cullen thing. I asked if it was his manhood. She said he never had one.
  3. I cut my foot pretty badly at Merewether Baths and had to see the lifeguard. He asked me if I was on medication, and at first I thought he asked because he thought I was crazy or something. Then I realised it was because there was so much blood.
  4. I have a sore throat. Thank goodness for Strepsils.
  5. My Uni application is due in on Tuesday.
  6. My Uni course starts this Friday.
  7. My application for the Sydney Uni course, plus $200 is due in on the 16th.
  8. I need a job to pay for Uni.
  9. I'm writing an essay on the history of art, finishing my Indonesian homework, finishing my science homework, all of 5 hours of sleep.
  10. I need to finish that Sisterhood project.
  11. I need to rid the loungeroom of all craft items.
  12. I've realised 'Mystery Crush' probably isn't so mystery anymore.
  13. Did I mention the 5 hours sleep?

Friday, February 27, 2009

fiction addiction

More good news!
I am one of 4 students from my school to pass a test to go down to Sydney University for a three day Science course. I get to 'experience one full day each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics'.

I also had a school dance the other night, with the theme 'Fiction Addiction'. I went as the best Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange. The best parts of the night were 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'-Nirvana and 'Song 2'-Blur.
The Dark Mark which took forever to draw and still wont wash off...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Just spent the last 20 minutes drawing 'The Dark Mark' on my wrist for the Dance tonight. The theme is "Fiction', and I'm going as the best Death Eater from Harry Potter, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Not much of a resemblance...


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

stress less, really.

So, as most of you know by now, Mum is engaged!
My bridesmaid dress is already figured out-

It's like the dress Keira Knightley wore in 'Atonement', only a better green and I'll fill it out a fair bit more than she did...

I'm also trying to put together a portfolio to show the Uni lecturer and the principal. I am pretty sure my 'Australia's Brainiest Kid' certificate screams sophistication.

Best Rose Cottage class on Monday as well. I love the sentence game and the 5 second impression game. I'm going to put my words here, because knowing me, I'll lose them somewhere.
'shiny, elegant, beautiful, ethereal, curly, teenaged, young, kind, twirly, sweet smile, pretty, mature, great sense of style, beautful dress, pagan princess'
These words are very special to me, they were the perfect pick me up :)
Thank you also to Diana for the lift and Wendy for the mini adventure.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

chilli burgers

I went to Charlestown today, with Allira and Paul (also known as Paulie) and it was so much fun. We bought two bags of M&Ms and put them in McDonalds sundaes. My whole sundae went blue.
Also, when we were ordering the sundaes, the guy managed to put that we wanted 230 sundaes in the register. We told him we would have that many sundaes for the price of 3, but he didn't really listen.
We also got the really chilli burgers from Oporto, even though we were feeling sick by then, and Paul didn't get a drink. So by the end his mouth was burning and he had had half of my drink.

I'm going to be away this weekend, starting to work on 'Surfest' and probably going to the beach a lot. It's going be fun.

Missing Mum a lot too!


Monday, February 16, 2009


Big news of the day.

My University Biology course is running. Next term I am going to be a 15 year old, first year University student studying 'Molecules, Cells and Organisms'!

Also, I tried looking for a bus to Rose Cottage, but I couldn't find anything that would take less than 45 minutes. So I don't think I am going to be able to go for the next 3 weeks!

Also, I've just realised I probably should have sent a Valentines Card like this...
thank you


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Drawing late at night.

Last night was one of those nights where I felt tired, but I couldn't fall asleep. So I did what I normally do, and I started drawing...

I think it's pretty good for my first attempt at a full skeleton :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentineless Day!

Ahhh. Valentines Day. One of my least favourite days of the year.

I had a plan this year. Which I didn't follow through with, because I convinced myself my 'crush' wasn't the least bit interested in me and probably thinks I resembled that algae stuff that is always in the fish tank. Or something like that.

Well, there is an upside to Valentines Day!
The red one was from Aaron and the white one was from Emma.

*kisses for the roses*

Anyways, spent the day singing/learning 'I Stand Alone' by Godsmack and 'Judith' by A Perfect Circle (both of which are in my music player at the bottom of this page), on my beautiful guitar. I think she needs a name. What do you name a Charvel guitar that is worth almost $1000 though?

Isn't the guitar beautiful?

I sat in the rain today too. It was the coldest I have been in ages, shivering every few seconds. My hair was dripping and pretty close to being incredibly straight. I loved it!

Also, this Friday, I'm going to be in a photo shoot, with Emma and her really expensive camera taking the photos. I plan on wearing purple stockings. I don't even know why I have purple stockings.

I hope you're all having a better Valentines than I seem to be.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Things to do while mum is in New York...

  1. Sell my sister, Allira, to that circus near the Newcastle Entertainment Centre.
  2. Dye my hair blonde and get it chemically straightened.
  3. Get a fake tan.
  4. Answer every maths question like this...
  5. Have a huge party and invite every single person I know, and even the ones I don't.
  6. Work the streets of Islington.
  7. In Supermarkets, start laughing hysterically and rolling on the floor laughing at a brand names or products.
  8. After a shower, I won't dry my hair properly and then I'll run around in my underwear, shaking my hair and singing “I'm Singing in the Rain!”
  9. Eat a crayon.
  10. Draw all over myself with highlighters. Claim that I am Glow-In-The-Dark.
  11. Call Mum and tell her that the school counselor needs to talk to her.
  12. Repaint my bedroom to reflect how I feel...
  13. Get a job at McDonalds. Tell Mum there is no need for me to go to University anymore.
  14. Book a ticket to New York because I am going to miss her so much :(